
So I’ve been reading through the Bible in a year. Today I reached the end of Job. It’s a fascinating book. And bemusing, too. My understanding of what it says has definitely changed over the years, and even now, I’m not completely sure what to make of it all—especially all of the words that Job’s …

When Hell Prevails

Every time a little child is unwanted, unloved, uncared for, no dream, doesn’t think it’s worth it to finish an education—hell is prevailing. That’s a lie of hell. Every time a marriage—that began with a man and woman making a promise as they looked into each other’s eyes—ends, crashes and burns—that’s hell prevailing. That’s not …

This weekend was a doozy

After the busiest month in recent memory—including Lazarus Sunday, preaching two weeks in a row, Easter weekend, leading worship, performing at a coffee shop, and more—I was given most of the week off from church duties. So I didn’t have to lead any of our Leadership Community’s organizing training, nor did I really have to …

The Christian life

I love this. there is far more to this Christian life than getting it right. There is living it right. Learning the truth of God, the gospel, the scriptures involves understanding words, concepts, history. But living it means working through a world of deception, of doubt and suffering, a world of rejections and betrayal and …