John Ortberg interviews Dallas Willard
From Catalyst West 2010:
From Catalyst West 2010:
So I’ve been reading through the Bible in a year. Today I reached the end of Job. It’s a fascinating book. And bemusing, too. My understanding of what it says has definitely changed over the years, and even now, I’m not completely sure what to make of it all—especially all of the words that Job’s …
Recently, I was flipping through some photos, and noticed these gems from one year ago. These were taken in Aaron & Amy’s living room, back when the church was newborn and still meeting in the Grahams’ house. I don’t even remember whether we’d settled on The District Church as our name, at that point—my inclination …
From this past weekend’s Baccalaureate Service at Fuller Seminary, John Goldingay speaks of God, “High and Holy, But Present with the Lowly.” Goldingay was easily one of my favorite professors during my time at Fuller–I took all of my Old Testament classes from him, and I definitely miss being in the presence of this awesome, …
Read more “John Goldingay at Fuller’s Baccalaureate Service 2011”
Eugene Peterson is a pastor and author that I respect greatly, and whose words and spirituality have impacted me immensely—through his mentorship of my own mentor as well as books like Subversive Spirituality, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, Where Your Treasure Is, Leap Over A Wall and Living the Resurrection. So it was …