Where is God in suffering, anxiety, and depression?

My good friend and brother-in-ministry Aaron Cho is one of the pastors at Quest Church in Seattle. He preached this weekend from the book of Job on suffering and delivered such a powerful word that I’m leaving it here for you. Meanwhile, at The District Church this last Sunday, Aaron Graham (our lead pastor) preached …


A beautiful poem for Lent: Blessing the Dust, by Jan Richardson. All those days you felt like dust, like dirt, as if all you had to do was turn your face toward the wind and be scattered to the four corners or swept away by the smallest breath as insubstantial— Did you not know what …

J.R.R. Tolkien on the purpose of life

J.R.R. Tolkien, Myth, Morality, and Religion: The chief purpose of life, for any of us, is to increase according to our capacity our knowledge of God by all means we have, and to be moved by it to praise and thanks. (Thanks to Joshua Dubois’ The President’s Devotional.)

Dealing with Lust and My Addiction

[Adapted from yesterday’s message at The District Church: “Lust.”] Yesterday, as part of our Seven Deadly Sins series, I preached on lust. When we drew lots for our preaching assignments for this series—and we actually did put names in a bowl—I knew I was fated as the one getting married this summer to get Lust—I mean, …