An important book for our generation

Just finished my friend Eugene Cho’s new book, Overrated: Are we more in love with the idea of changing the world than actually changing the world?, and I’m so thankful for his words. Notably: I fear that we might be more in love with the idea of changing the world than actually changing the world. I fear that we might …

Dealing with Lust and My Addiction

[Adapted from yesterday’s message at The District Church: “Lust.”] Yesterday, as part of our Seven Deadly Sins series, I preached on lust. When we drew lots for our preaching assignments for this series—and we actually did put names in a bowl—I knew I was fated as the one getting married this summer to get Lust—I mean, …

Closing thoughts of an almost-no-longer-single pastor

4 days. Four more days of singleness. It’s a strange thing to consider — almost 32 years behind me as a single guy, with musings about relationships and romantic interests and sermons on singleness; a lifetime ahead of me as a married man, with a whole host of new joys and challenges. My counselor told me once: Change …