
What God wants to do in us as we wait is at least as important as the things we think we’re waiting for. – (paraphrasing) Ben Patterson, Waiting: Finding Hope When God Seems Silent, 11.

The Difference You Made

My last sermon, preached on July 17, was on Colossians 3:18-4:1–the “Wives, submit to your husbands” passage, and it was entitled, “Can We Make A Difference?” I’ll let you listen to it for yourselves if you haven’t already, but my main point was that oftentimes we wait for this or that situation or circumstance changes before we …

The test of our work

Eugene Peterson: The test of our work is not the profit we gain from it or the status we receive from it but its effects in creation.  Are persons impoverished?  Is the land diminished?  Is society defrauded?  Is the world less or more because of my work? (Where Your Treasure Is, 139)


So I’ve been reading through the Bible in a year. Today I reached the end of Job. It’s a fascinating book. And bemusing, too. My understanding of what it says has definitely changed over the years, and even now, I’m not completely sure what to make of it all—especially all of the words that Job’s …