Keeping busy

There’s a great piece from the weekend by Tim Kreider, entitled “The ‘Busy’ Trap,” which speaks into the cultural inclination toward busyness–something that’s particularly prevalent in cities, with Washington, DC being no exception. It gives an insightful look into one of the ways by which we try to give ourselves meaning: Busyness serves as a …

Isaiah 58: the chapter that changed my life

(Well, one of the chapters that changed my life–see also “The day God broke my heart.”) I pretty much underlined the whole chapter … A reminder, Isaiah 58:6-14: Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? …

One of the greatest fallacies of our faith

One of the greatest fallacies of our faith, and actually one of the greatest acts of unbelief, is the thought that our spiritual acts and virtues need to be advertised to be known. The frantic efforts of religious personages and groups to advertise and certify themselves is a stunning revelation of their lack of substance …


My friend Bruce, who shared his story on my blog in the aftermath of the Travyon Martin shooting and is a good friend and an all-around awesome guy, preached for the first time (ever!) at The District Church on Sunday. We’re going through the Lord’s Prayer as a church, and he spoke on “Forgive us our …