Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God

I have a new quote on my desk from French philosopher and priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, that reads: Joy is the most infallible sign of the presence of God. (I have Stephen Colbert to thank for bringing it to my attention.) A couple weeks ago, life was dragging a little bit. I wasn’t unhappy …

We’re two — thanks to you

What a weekend! The District Church turned two years old this week, and we celebrated on Sunday in style–there were balloons and everything. In the morning, Aaron shared about the journey so far and talked about “A Prayer for the District”; we sang and danced to music from, among others, Rihanna, Swedish House Mafia, and Bill Withers. And …

6 Suggestions for Christians for Engaging in Politics

[Disclaimer: I wrote this before I read Bryan Roberts’ “7 Things Christians Need to Remember About Politics.” Go read that first–it’s shorter and funnier.] With the Republican and Democratic National Conventions having taken place over the last two weeks, we can officially say that we’re entering into election season (i.e. that time when the general …

Race, a black president, and the gospel

As I read, tears came to my eyes, my heart broke a little, and a sense of (what I pray was) righteous anger began to rise. I was reading Ta-Nehisi Coates’ latest piece in The Atlantic magazine, entitled “Fear of a Black President,” which looked at race, racism, and how both had thus far impacted Barack …

Let us not fall

A prayer to start your work week, from Spurgeon’s Morning & Evening (Evening, August 19): Lord, evermore thy face we seek: tempted we are, and poor, and weak; keep us with lowly hearts, and meek. Let us not fall. Let us not fall.