Married: 17 days

Three weeks since my last post, and they’ve flown by. Here’s what’s happened: 1. I got married. It was pretty awesome. (More pics to come.) 2. After the wedding, we couldn’t get into our honeymoon suite for a half hour. At one point, Carolyn looks up at me and says, “Is this real life?” “Yup.” 3. We …

Closing thoughts of an almost-no-longer-single pastor

4 days. Four more days of singleness. It’s a strange thing to consider — almost 32 years behind me as a single guy, with musings about relationships and romantic interests and sermons on singleness; a lifetime ahead of me as a married man, with a whole host of new joys and challenges. My counselor told me once: Change …

The truth about dishonesty

A fun animation to go along with Duke psychology and behavioral economics professor Dan Ariely’s talk, based on his book The Honest Truth about Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone–Especially Ourselves. Includes some fascinating insights into confession, forgiveness, and sin, as well as the financial crisis.

Baptisms and birthdays

This past weekend, we celebrated: EAST SIDE’S FIRST BIRTHDAY (yeah, it’s already been a year!). Thank you for your prayer and your support as the first District Church plant has reached this milestone — and we’re still here! It’s a tremendous testament to the grace of God at work, cultivating relationships, and we celebrated with a cookout …