Last night

Grateful for my District Church community and the ways we’re growing together. And I believe we’re just getting started. There’s more to come.

The District Church’s response to Ferguson

I wanted to share with you that this afternoon, The District Church pastoral team issued the following response to recent events in Ferguson, Mo., and the issues it has brought to the surface. You can read it on Facebook here. — Dear District Church family, This past week, we have spent much time praying and talking together …

Ferguson, a broken world, and the authority of Jesus

On Sunday, I preached from Luke 4:31-44 on Jesus’ authority and healing. Last night, the grand jury returned a decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown. I’m still processing and praying through this, still figuring out how I’m supposed to respond. I didn’t write my message or preach with …