Where is God in suffering, anxiety, and depression?

My good friend and brother-in-ministry Aaron Cho is one of the pastors at Quest Church in Seattle. He preached this weekend from the book of Job on suffering and delivered such a powerful word that I’m leaving it here for you. Meanwhile, at The District Church this last Sunday, Aaron Graham (our lead pastor) preached …

God Knows

Recently discovered this beautiful and convicting poem by Minnie Louise Haskins — “God Knows,” more popularly known as “The Gate of the Year.” And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: “Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.” And he replied: “Go out into the …

On joy and pain

So many things we achieve are achieved only through struggle and conflict, not in easy ways. They always seem to involve crosses. I have so longed to find somewhere in life some corner where joy is unmingled with pain. But I have never found it. Wherever I find joy, my own or other people’s, it …