Tears of joy

Today, a friend of mine back in California was baptized (in the Pacific Ocean, no less). While I wish I could’ve been there, seeing the pictures on Facebook had to suffice. And even then, I got a little choked up. Ivan, my brother, welcome to another chapter of life. I pray that God brings you …

If I keep going at this rate …

Previously on “Justin @The District Church” Washington, DC: Chapter 2 (October 11, 2010) Beginning November (and the Leadership Residency) (November 1, 2010) Why The District Church? (November 18, 2010) My First Sermon (December 15, 2010) What a difference a year makes (December 29, 2010) Happy 2011! I hope your year has begun well and that, …


From his “Drum Major Instinct” sermon, delivered February 4, 1968, only a few months before his assassination, words to keep me humble and grounded and ever thankful that God invites us to play a part in his story: Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to …