The Difference You Made

My last sermon, preached on July 17, was on Colossians 3:18-4:1–the “Wives, submit to your husbands” passage, and it was entitled, “Can We Make A Difference?” I’ll let you listen to it for yourselves if you haven’t already, but my main point was that oftentimes we wait for this or that situation or circumstance changes before we …


Ian Morgan Cron: How can you tell when you’ve crossed the meridian that divides hatred and forgiveness? Is it when the dirt path beneath your feet, frozen hard by winter’s bitter wind, softens under summer’s grace? Or is it when words you’ve worked so long to free stroll out of the prison of your heart …

A music-filled month

June was a pretty awesome month, music-wise: Mumford & Sons at the Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, MD; Wicked at the Kennedy Center; U2 at M&T Ballpark in Baltimore, MD.