Saying sorry

Saying sorry when you’ve made a mistake is hard. Admitting that you did something wrong — whatever it may be — is difficult. Saying sorry when you thought you were right is harder. Feeling like you were justified, at least in the moment, gives us license to keep our apology locked up — I had a …

Who is my neighbor (and why should I care)?

[Adapted from yesterday’s message at The District Church: “Who is My Neighbor (and Why Should I Care)?”] What do you think of when you hear the word ‘neighbor’? Mr. Rogers? The folks on Sesame Street? Wilson from Home Improvement? Or Mr. Wilson from Dennis the Menace? The Australian soap opera I grew up watching in …

Liturgy for Lent

“Vapor” is the new musical liturgy from The Liturgists (aka the folks from Gungor). It’s based on the teachings of Ecclesiastes, and it’s particularly appropriate given that Lent (the season of reflection, repentance, and self-denial) begins tomorrow. I hope it blesses you.