With just under 50 days to go till the big day, Carolyn and I have been learning that the page-turn between chapters is a hard one, particularly when it happens in the middle of already-busy seasons and already-busy lives.

This past week, I moved out of my apartment and into the one that we’ll be sharing as a married couple … and by “I,” I mean “I packed my stuff up [see above] and then Carolyn and a bunch of our friends helped to move it all into the new place because I was teaching a discipleship class that night and it was the only night that either of us could do.”
This coming week(end), Carolyn moves her belongings out of her current house and into our apartment, and she moves herself to stay at a District Church friend’s a few blocks away until the wedding … and by “Carolyn,” I mean “Carolyn, me, and whichever friends can help on a holiday weekend.”
All that to say, this has been a challenging and tiring time for both of us — moving out, moving in, consolidating our stuff, getting rid of things, setting up a home, not being fully settled, flitting between homes — and I’ve definitely felt the need for God’s peace and strength to see us both through, even more so than when we were in the heat of wedding planning! So we’d really appreciate your prayers.