What a weekend! The District Church turned two years old this week, and we celebrated on Sunday in style–there were balloons and everything.

In the morning, Aaron shared about the journey so far and talked about “A Prayer for the District”; we sang and danced to music from, among others, Rihanna, Swedish House Mafia, and Bill Withers. And I made a video slideshow to commemorate the occasion (click the image to watch):
We dedicated six babies:

And in the evening, we baptized ten people (and had cake):

I’m so thankful for the grace of God we’ve seen over the last two years, and in particular for your support of me–in prayer, finances, and love. It’s a fantastic thing that someone gets to do exactly what they feel like God has made them to do, and I wanted to express my gratitude to you for enabling me to do that at The District Church. Looking forward to seeing what adventures are yet to come!
P.S. In preparation for the baptism service, we had a dry run of putting the portable baptistry together in the basement of the church house. I got to test it out: